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Spring Term 2025

6th January - 5th April 2025

Half Term - Week commencing 17th February 2025


All FUSE classes have been devised to encompass technical development, strength building and performance skills.


Details of our classes, price plans and booking forms below. 


Class Descriptions

Classical Class

The structure of these classes focuses on developing classical ballet technique, providing students with a core understanding of this discipline. This includes a knowledge of ballet vocabulary and technical execution, ensuring a secure foundation is built. The sessions target specific elements associated with strengthening the body and developing safe practice. Presentation and dance quality is inherent throughout this class, with the final stages focusing on developing musicality, characterisation and dance performance skills. We believe this approach allows students to establish a broad understanding of this discipline and to develop a love for this type of movement, allowing us to nurture their individual development. 


Theatre Class

These sessions introduce students to theatre dance training specifically covering modern and tap techniques. This includes correct body alignment, stamina and core technique, all of which is developed within each students’ capabilities and physical range. They can improve their coordination skills and challenge their ability to adapt to different styles. Presentation skills is key to these sessions, with the final stage focusing on developing versatility through performance sequences.


*Junior classes are split according to age and experience, we will advise you at booking which sessions would be most suitable.


Jazz Class

FUSE Jazz classes will explore various techniques and develop the skills this discipline has to offer. Jazz dance will support the classical and theatre training and expand on movement vocabulary. By breaking down specific movements we will challenge our Juniors, developing core skills including kicks, turns, leaps and jumps. Combination steps and corner work will improve coordination and ability to link movements with ease. Our students have freedom to explore their individual styles through a variety of routines and choreographic work in a fun, safe and encouraging environment. 

Junior Timetable Autumn 24.png

Stretch & Core Class

This class provides the opportunity for students to build up core strength, improve posture and alignment, and develop their overall flexibility. Sessions have been specifically designed to support safe practice and ensure each student is working within their own facility. We will advise each student on areas for personal development that will support their class work and help them to tackle more challenging movement material. Working at a steady pace students will soon notice the difference in their other disciplines and performance work.


Boys Class

We are delighted to introduce our Boys Class for 5-10 year olds.  Of course, boys are included in all our classes, but as they are normally in the minority it can mean that some boys feel nervous to give something new a try.  Our boys class takes that worry away to help build confidence in their passion. With a focus on jumps, turns, traveling work and building to a routine, it's a great way to get involved and channel all that awesome energy!


Musical Theatre & Drama Class

This class is full of energy and supports our students to build skills, confidence, creativity and self esteem.  We offer a really varied curriculum including, improvisation, characterisation, singing, working with script, poetry, clarity of speech and scriptwriting. Working individually and in smaller groups, the students are encouraged to try something new or exciting and there’s always lots of fun to be had!  Contact us now to book your free trial trial and get involved.  Private coaching for competitions, festivals or exams available.


weekly class  fees

Junior 1 & 2

Classical Class - £7.00

Theatre Class - £10.00


Junior 3

Classical Class - £7.00

Modern Class - £5.50 

Tap Class - £5.50


Jazz Class - £7.00

Core Class - £7.00

Musical Theatre/Drama - £7.00


MONTHLY standing order


Classical Class

Theatre Class

junior 1 & 2

2 classes - £45


plus 1 - £60
plus 2 - £80
plus 3 - £100


Additional classes:

Jazz, Core or Drama

junior 3

3 classes - £49.50


Classical Class

Modern Class

Tap Class

MONTHLY standing order


plus 1 - £65
plus 2 - £85
plus 3- £105


Additional classes:

Jazz, Core or Drama

MONTHLY standing order package

3 classes


other class packages 

term price


Mini Jazz - £54.00​

Boys Class - £84.00


Fees can be paid by monthly standing order.​

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